CPM Educational Program

A Statement from CPM’s Leadership Team

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CPM began as a math curriculum that would act as a pump rather than a filter, supporting students through math courses required for college admission rather than keeping students out of math classes. While CPM has been diligent in following the research in mathematics education, we have not been as attentive to the many issues (including racial and social) facing students. CPM is a predominantly white company and we have not fully understood the impact of our privilege. Even though individually some of us are aware of the inequities, collectively we have fallen short. We have begun to educate ourselves and are developing understanding of the issues and terminology regarding race and diversity. Work began over two years ago with the Professional Learning Department, expanded to the Curriculum & Assessment Department and CPM’s Leadership Team. We have started our learning journey by reading Principles to Actions, White Fragility, Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain, What It Means to Be White, numerous articles, and having weekly discussions.  It is past time for CPM to leverage our privilege and the position that we have, to speak out against inequities and racial injustice.

As we continue to learn, CPM Educational Program is committed to the following.

  1. CPM will continue to learn about the population we serve through surveys, meetings, and readings.
  2. CPM will create an open-minded inclusive organization that embraces diversity and values underrepresented voices and experiences.
  3. CPM will intentionally hire to create a collective expertise that reflects the diverse population we serve.
  4. CPM will create products and services that reflect and respect teachers, students, and parents.
  5. CPM will empower teachers with the tools and teaching practices to create learning environments where all are welcome and all will learn.
  6. CPM will speak out against systemic inequities to support the growth of all teachers, students, parents, and CPM employees.

CPM believes that a wide spectrum of perspectives must contribute to all areas of the organization to ensure the success of CPM Educational Program. CPM will continue to provide excellent curricular materials and professional learning events that support teachers in creating equitable classrooms. This work is continuing and we are eager to hear from those who want to share their passions and shape our future. We welcome your thoughts; email newsletter@cpm.org.

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