CPM Educational Program

Coaching Support

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Sharon Rendon, Coaching Coordinator

Is your district or school looking for ways to support coaches and instructional leaders with CPM curriculum implementation? CPM’s professional development can provide learning focused on the research supporting math instruction, the role of teachers and students inside a CPM classroom, how to support teacher collaboration, coaching conversations, and networking on various issues.

This learning allows leaders to engage in conversations on the Executive Research summary for CPM and NCTM’s Principles to Action. Leaders will consider what student and teacher evidence looks like inside a classroom using CPM. Leaders will also consider how to create or strengthen collaboration among the teachers they support, with a focus on how this can translate to supporting collaboration among students. And lastly, time will be spent considering what coaching conversations might look like with tips to increase the effectiveness of those conversations.

Please contact Sharon Rendon, CPM Coaching Coordinator at SharonRendon@cpm.org if you have leaders in your community that would benefit from this learning and/ or you would be interested in hosting a similar event.

Comments from previous participants in such workshops:

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