CPM Educational Program



image of coaching diagram

CPM Mathematics Coaching

CPM also offers instructional coaching by a trained cadre of experienced coaches.  Our coaching model places the emphasis on student learning first while focusing on instruction.  This approach to coaching allows the coach and teachers to navigate directly towards a measurable impact and increased student knowledge.  All of this work is embedded in effective implementation of CPM curriculum and resources.

Use the Request For Coaching Quote to request coaching or to start a conversation about CPM Mathematics Coaching for your school.

CPM Coaching Model

CPM’s coaching service is an integral part of CPM’s mission to provide ongoing professional development for the advancement of teachers and students. The coaching model focuses first and foremost on the needs of students while partnering directly with teachers and school / district administration.

The CPM coaching model serves to improve learning opportunities for all students by focusing on student centered goals rather than teacher behaviors. In this way, effective math teaching practices are developed from student needs and teachers are able to navigate towards and make measurable impacts on student learning. 

While increased student achievement is a paramount goal of the coaching model, there are many more benefits to be gained. Coaching results in changed beliefs and attitudes regarding what it means to understand and learn mathematics. Furthermore, teachers with coaching support typically have more clarity in how to effectively implement new practices with long term results. Finally, teachers with coaching support report that they are able to change their practice or way of being more readily and are more thoughtful about their instructional practices. CPM believes it is imperative that teachers are a willing participant in the coaching partnership and embrace the opportunity to engage in this reflective model of professional learning.

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