CPM Educational Program

CPM Offers Workshop for District Leaders

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Sharon Rendon, Coaching Coordinator

On February 1st  CPM coaches hosted a workshop in Wisconsin for leaders supporting teachers using CPM materials.  This event was a huge success.  The one day learning focused on the research supporting math instruction, the role of teachers and students inside a CPM classroom, how to support teacher collaboration, coaching conversations, and networking around various issues.  There were 47 coaches, administrators, curriculum leaders, and teachers in attendance.

Leaders were engaged in conversations about the Executive Research summary for CPM and Principles to Action from NCTM.  A complied list of teacher and student “look fors” inside a classroom was generated and then applied by watching parts of a video lesson.  The leaders were also engaged in opportunities to consider how to create or strengthen collaboration among the teachers they support with a focus on how this can translate to teacher supporting collaboration among students.  Lastly, time was spent considering what coaching conversations might look like and tips to increase the effectiveness of those conversations.

Comments from attendees:

The facilitators, Sharon Rendon, Tracy Frank, and Melissa Thomley feel this would be a valuable workshop to offer in areas where there are district based leaders supporting teachers using CPM materials.  These leaders might have the title of coach, department chair, administrator, curriculum specialist, etc. Ideally this would occur in an area where at least ten or more school districts can be in attendance to allow for networking.

Please contact Sharon Rendon, CPM Coaching Coordinator at sharonrendon@cpm.org if you have leaders in your community that would benefit from this learning or you would be interested in hosting a similar event.

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