Focus of Briefs is Understanding What Quality Instruction Looks Like, and How and Why It Works
Research briefs will be prepared at the discretion of CPM’s Research Department.
Designing Mathematics Instruction in the Wake of Crisis
In the current moment with crisis discourses of “learning loss” and “falling behind,” many teachers are navigating felt tensions between meeting students where they are and maintaining the rigor of their curriculum. Executive Summary — Designing Mathematics Instruction in the Wake of Crisis (PDF)
Inclusion and Intervention: Understanding “Disability” in the Mathematics Classroom
How can we support students with learning and intellectual disabilities to experience productive struggle during collaborative problem-solving on cognitively-demanding tasks? Executive Summary — Inclusion and Intervention: Understanding “Disability” in the Mathematics Classroom (PDF)
Beyond Cooperation: Building Collaborative Classroom Cultures to Increase Engagement and Rigor
Collaborative and cooperative classrooms have different cultures: the former shaped by practices of inquiry and argumentation and the latter by practices of strategy sharing and reporting. Beyond Cooperation: Building Collaborative Classroom Cultures to Increase Engagement and Rigor (PDF)
It’s not I Do – We Do – You Do: Understanding the How and Why of CPM’s Three-Part Lessons
CPM’s three-part lesson structure is geared towards supporting students to have agency in and take ownership of their learning. This is quite different from other three-part lesson structures such as the gradual release method of I Do / You Do / We Do. It’s not I Do – We Do – You Do: Understanding the How and Why of CPM’s Three-Part Lessons (PDF)
COVID EdResearch for Recovery
The Annenberg Institute at Brown University has research briefs focusing on recovery from COVID-19, with overarching topics of student learning, school climate, supporting all students, teachers and leaders, and finances and operations. Annenberg Website
Persistent Questions of Education
The Answer Lab at the University of Southern California's Rossier School of Education has research briefs focusing on persistent questions of education.