CPM Educational Program

Who Are We?


Written for Teachers by Teachers

Students working around a table with a teacher

CPM's Vision

CPM envisions a world where mathematics is viewed as intriguing and useful, and is appreciated by all; where powerful mathematical thinking is an essential, universal, and desirable trait; and where people are empowered by mathematical problem solving and reasoning to solve the world’s problems.

CPM's Mission

CPM’s mission is to empower mathematics students and teachers through exemplary curriculum, professional development, and leadership. We recognize and foster teacher expertise and leadership in mathematics education. We engage all students in learning mathematics through problem solving, reasoning, and communication.

CPM's Philosophy

In a perfect world, every student would have the opportunity to learn math by being engaged and challenged. We are working to make this possible: More math for more students! CPM does not aspire to be the biggest publisher, but we do believe we are among the few who truly put student learning first.

CPM's Origin

CPM began when a few university professors were awarded two Eisenhower grants. These professors came together with 30 math teachers around Sacramento, California in a grassroots effort to change the way mathematics courses were taught. 

Read CPM’s Origin Story.

CPM's Milestones

CPM’s Origin
CPM’s Origin

CPM originated in conjunction with two Eisenhower Grants and the Math Project.

Read CPM's Origin Story

CPM Becomes a Nonprofit
CPM Becomes a Nonprofit
Professional Learning
Professional Learning

CPM has its first Summer Leadership Institute.

CPM Connections
CPM Connections

Connections books evolved study teams.


CPM creates digital textbooks.

Professional Learning Restructure
Professional Learning Restructure

CPM supports teachers by region. Read more

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