High School Math Curriculum
Student-Centered Math Curriculum Solution
These high quality high school courses will prepare students with the mathematical problem solving skills needed in college and for engaging with the world’s problems!
Includes core high school courses
PLUS 4th year courses (With content required for AP®)
- Precalculus, Calculus, Statistics, Java
CPM's High School Programs lnclude
Math Curriculum Solution Centering on Student Engagement
Algebra, Geometry & Algebra 2
Study Teams
- Students work in teams of 2-4
- Creates environment for students to discuss, share ideas, and articulate their thinking
- Provides security, empowering students to take risks
eTools for Exploration
- Activities to build conceptual understanding
- CPM proprietary tools, algebra tiles and integer tiles, and integrated digital activities
Learning Logs
- Prompts students to reflect on their learning
- Students describe their understanding in their own words
- Provide closure to a lesson or clarification of a concept
Mixed, Spaced Practice with Homework Help
- Provides students practice with past material
- Lays a foundation for future learning
- Multiple opportunities for students to revisit skills
- Homework Help linked from eBook includes solved problems, hints to get started, and references to previously solved problems
Math Notes
Core ideas are synthesized in “Math Notes” boxes, placed purposefully, often falling one or more lessons after the initial introduction of a concept. This allows students time to explore and build conceptual understanding of an idea before they are presented with a formal definition, algorithm or summary of a mathematical concept.
Checkpoints indicate to students where fluency with a skill should occur. Each checkpoint problem has the topic clearly labeled and the solution. Checkpoints also offer examples with detailed explanations, complete solution of the checkpoint problem, and more practice problems with answers included.
Parent Guide
- Designed to help families support students outside the classroom
- Arranged by chapter and topic
- Includes alternative explanation of key ideas, helpful examples, and additional practice problems with solutions problems
Lesson Mathcasts for Teachers
- Aide in preparing lessons
- Outlines the lesson problems
- Gives suggestions for facilitating the teams
Table of Contents
CC Algebra, CC Geometry, and CC Algebra 2
High School Math Series
CC Integrated III
Precalculus, Calculus, Statistics & Java
More About 4th-Year High School Courses
Precalculus Third Editionand Supplement
- Offered with additional AP® Supplements
- Meets standards for 4th year high school math course
- Well balanced among procedural fluency, deep conceptual understanding, strategic competence, and adaptive reasoning
- Design similar to CPM Core Connections courses.
- Introduction to calculus with functions, graphs, limits, area under a curve, and rates of change.
- Labs and hands-on activities introduce and connect concepts, with an emphasis on modeling.
Third Edition
- Content required for an AP® Calculus course
- Develops the big ideas of limits, derivatives, integrals and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and series. Labs and hands-on activities introduce concepts.
- Explores derivatives and integrals simultaneously, presented geometrically and in context.
- Content required for an AP® Statistics course
- Active learning based, comprehensive, technologically enhanced.
- Students can learn by solving engaging problems together in an active, technology-enhanced, classroom environment.
Computer Science Java
- Covers AP® Computer Science A topics Concepts are introduced with much more student conjecture rather than traditional lectures.
- Encourages collaboration
- Focuses on moving students of all programming abilities to a higher level
- Collaboration between students is a key component
*Advanced Placement® or AP® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this website.
Table of Contents
Precalculus Third Edition
Precalculus Third Edition Supplement
Calculus Third Editions