Middle School Series
Three-year sequence of courses in both English and Spanish
- Core Connections, Course 1 – 6th grade
- Core Connections, Course 2 – 7th grade
- Core Connections, Course 3 – 8th grade
Prepare students for rigorous mathematics

Provide daily
for students
Curriculum Resources
Study Teams
eTools for Exploration
Learning Logs
Mixed Spaced Practice with Homework Help
Puzzle Investigator
Parent Guide
Lesson Mathcasts for Teachers
Study Teams
Study Teams
- Students work in teams of 2-4
- Creates environment for students to discuss, share ideas, and articulate their thinking
- Provides security, empowering students to take risks
eTools for Exploration
eTools for Exploration
- Activities to build conceptual understanding
- CPM proprietary tools, algebra tiles and integer tiles, and integrated digital activities
Learning Logs
Learning Logs
- Prompts students to reflect on their learning
- Students describe their understanding in their own words
- Provide closure to a lesson or clarification of a concept
Tool Kits
- Consumable items and working documents for student learning
- Includes Learning Log entries, Math Notes, images from student edition
- Students create personal reference tools
Mixed Spaced Practice with Homework Help
Mixed, Spaced Practice with Homework Help
- Provides students practice with past material
- Lays a foundation for future learning
- Multiple opportunities for students to revisit skills
- Homework Help linked from eBook includes solved problems, hints to get started, and references to previously solved problems
Puzzle Investigator
Puzzle Investigator
- Students focus on the process of solving interesting, complex problems
- Students develop skills to show, explain, and justify their work and thoughts
Parent Guide
Parent Guide
- Designed to help families support students outside the classroom
- Arranged by chapter and topic
- Includes alternative explanation of key ideas, helpful examples, and additional practice problems with solutions problems
Lesson Mathcasts for Teachers
Lesson Mathcasts for Teachers
- Aide in preparing lessons
- Outlines the lesson problems
- Gives suggestions for facilitating the teams
Table of Contents
Core Connections, Course 1-3
CPM's 8th Grade Support Course, Inspirations & Ideas
Designed to support students in CPM’s Core Connections, Course 3 who sometimes struggle with mathematics. The expectation is that students in Inspirations & Ideas will be concurrently enrolled in Core Connections, Course 3, and therefore will have two math classes daily. Ideally, Inspirations & Ideas is a non-graded course, with no homework, and no summative assessments.