Advanced High School Math

College Preparatory Courses

PreCalculus Third Edition Textbook
Calculus 3 Textbook
Statistics Textbook
Computer Science Java Textbook

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  • Activities to build conceptual understanding
  • CPM proprietary tools, algebra tiles and integer tiles, and integrated digital activities

Course Summary

Precalculus Third Edition
and Supplement

  • Offered with additional AP® Supplements
  • Meets standards for 4th year high school math course
  • Well balanced among procedural fluency, deep conceptual understanding, strategic competence, and adaptive reasoning
  • Design similar to CPM Core Connections courses.
  • Introduction to calculus with functions, graphs, limits, area under a curve, and rates of change.
  • Labs and hands-on activities introduce and connect concepts, with an emphasis on modeling.

Third Edition

  • Content required for an AP® Calculus course
  • Develops the big ideas of limits, derivatives, integrals and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and series. Labs and hands-on activities introduce concepts.
  • Explores derivatives and integrals simultaneously, presented geometrically and in context.


  • Content required for an AP® Statistics course
  • Active learning based, comprehensive, technologically enhanced.
  • Students can learn by solving engaging problems together in an active, technology-enhanced, classroom environment.

Computer Science Java

  • Covers AP® Computer Science A topics Concepts are introduced with much more student conjecture rather than traditional lectures.
  • Encourages collaboration
  • Focuses on moving students of all programming abilities to a higher level
  • Collaboration between students is a key component

*Advanced Placement® or AP® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this website.


Table of Contents

  • Precalculus Third Edition

  • Precalculus Third Edition Supplement

  • Calculus Third Editions

  • Statistics

  • Java


*Advanced Placement® or AP® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this website.

Computer Science Java