CPM Educational Program reached a professional milestone this past July; we have been formally accepted as a candidate for accreditation by the Middle States Association – Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA-CESS), which is recognized as a leading accrediting agency by the U.S. Department of Education. During its 125 year history, MSA-CESS has granted accreditation to 2,700 educational institutions and learning service providers in nearly all 50 states and in over 100 foreign countries.
“On behalf of CPM Educational program, I extend our sincerest thank you. Attached is the signed Acceptance of Candidacy form. We are very excited to continue on this journey!” said CPM Executive Director Elizabeth Coyner. “This added layer of third-party validation highlights that CPM is dedicated to offering ongoing academic leadership aimed at making positive contributions to the world of mathematics education.”
All aspects of CPM, from its leadership to its faculty and staff to its curriculum and services, will be involved in an 18 month self-study; we are on track to meet the MSA-CESS standards for accreditation early in 2023. Upon completion, CPM Professional Learning participants will be able to earn academic credit through CPM after completing all course requirements.
“This accreditation candidacy milestone comes after several years of a shared vision, investment of time and capital, and just plain hard work. This step is just the first of many as we seek to improve and expand CPM’s Professional Learning opportunities. Watch for future news on our quest,” remarked Sharon Rendon, CPM Director of Professional Learning.