September 2023
I would like to welcome you to our new information format, the CPM News You Can Use blog. Each month you will find new information opportunities organized by category and released in a timely manner. The goal of restructuring is to better serve your busy schedules, providing you with content in accessible chunks.

CPM has been busy since our last writing. Here are some highlights:
- Middle schools have begun to implement CPM’s multimodal curriculum for grades 6-8. The purchase of Inspiring Connections includes the digital license with new features, the Mathematician’s Notebooks, and professional learning to support the teachers.
- CPM Purchase Agreement Terms and Conditions have been updated. Changes include revised definitions of goods and services to allow a nonrefundable store credit for unexpired digital licenses. Customers can use the credit toward additional licenses for an alternate product.
- CPM exemplary customer service continues with our ticketing system and knowledge base. Summer is traditionally a time for professional learning events and family vacations. You may have received a delayed response for emails you sent to a specific staff member. Sending your future query to may result in a more timely response.
- Student Data Privacy Agreements — If your technical or legal teams engage in these agreements, yours might be nearing expiration. CPM has signed Exhibits E and G for several states in the national registry.
- CPM is preparing to launch a friendlier shop for quotes, orders, and browsing.
For me personally, summer provided opportunities to take some extended brain breaks. Both sides of our family had reunions where we shared a lot of stories. As different folks shared their own story of the same event it really helped us piece together what might have really happened. It all reminded me of students working collaboratively in CPM classrooms to make mathematical connections.
I hope your summer provided you with times of refreshment, too. Welcome to what will be another great year of more math for more people!