December 2023
It has been a long-time goal of mine to incorporate Study Team and Teaching Strategies that promote discourse and raise the status of each member in class. Some of my favorite Study Team and Teaching Strategies that foster this goal include Pairs Check, Hot Potato, Think-Ink-Pair-Share, Carousel, Fortune Cookie, and Huddle. However, this year I have had new learning pertaining to this topic.
Our middle school is piloting the newly released Inspiring Connections program at the 6th grade level. The authors have designed strategic Launches that promote discourse and raise the status of each class member. Each Launch is an activity that typically lasts between five to ten minutes at the beginning of the lesson. The format varies, but it consists of activities like Which One Is Unique?, Data Chats about infographics, Number Talks, Dot Talks, and Notice & Wonder. These Math Chats start with the students thinking silently. They extend one finger close to their chest if they have one way to explain or answer the question, and they can extend additional fingers if they have other answers or explanations.
We have found that in the first few months of the school year, the Launch has set the tone for the culture of the class. It serves as a mindset reminder each day that students all have something to contribute. They might think of an idea that someone else has not, and it is especially exciting to celebrate when the students think of something that the teacher did not think of! It greatly raises the participation because we are not looking for the one right answer, since these questions often have many correct solutions. What a great way to start class: feeling like you are a valuable part of the class and can contribute to the discussion each and every day.
I recently overheard one student compliment another student during a team challenge about his increased effort in math class this year (in comparison to last year). This small gesture made a big impact for that student; his face lit up and he dove right into the work. Building up each student’s self efficacy—their belief in their own ability—is the key to success not only for that student but for the entire class. The Launch, as well as the entire Inspiring Connections program, has been designed perfectly to support this initiative.
Discover what Inspiring Connections can do for your classroom:

Kristy Reider
Menasha, WI