Teaching with CPM in the Era of COVID-19

In this special issue…

Teachers share how they handled remote learning
Announcement of extra support CPM has planned

CPM publishes newsletters throughout the year during the odd numbered months. In the past, however, we have not released a newsletter in July since teachers are relaxing, enjoying the break from the early mornings and the strict bathroom schedules. Hopefully, you are in some beautiful place, rejuvenating for a new school year. But these times are nothing like the past.

Many school districts have reached out, asking how they are going to use CPM materials in a classroom that does not look like the classroom they left. That is a good question. We have been thinking about this since schools started closing in March. We have been attending meetings and webinars, and we have been brainstorming with as many people as possible. We have been reading research on virtual learning and articles on what teachers should do.

If you are also doing lots of reading and meeting, you have probably learned what we have learned: no one really knows what school will be like in the fall. Every school district has a different plan for how they will keep students and teachers safe. These plans range from no in-person classes to no virtual classes, and everything in between.

Teachers shared with CPM some of their ideas and described what they tried during the spring. Hopefully there will be something here for all the different possible scenarios your school district might suggest for you in the fall. More importantly, let these writings assure you that you are not alone in this endeavor.

Following the teachers’ stories is a list of what CPM is working on and will provide by the fall. If you find something that works particularly well, please let CPM know! You can email to support@cpm.org, newsletter@cpm.org, or contact your Regional Professional Learning Coordinator. Don’t forget the Sharing tab in your eBook. Share your ideas. Remember: We are all in this together.