Since late in the ’90s, CPM has produced a newsletter. It was not always released on a regular schedule, often pulled together only when enough people were willing to write articles. During the 2010s, CPM started releasing several newsletters each year. In 2014, CPM decided to produce a newsletter on a regular basis. During the first week of every odd-numbered month, except July, CPM would release a newsletter. At the time, CPM did not have clearly defined departments or roles; instead, almost everyone who worked for CPM had to be a jack-of-all-trades, able to tackle a variety of projects. Articles typically addressed coaching, professional learning (“professional development” back then), curriculum, assessment, and technology. Every so often, a teacher was willing to share their expertise and submit an article. The newsletter was actually printed and mailed—with postage, in mailboxes, and everything—to thousands and thousands of teachers.
The every-odd-month pattern continued until right now. This May newsletter of 2023 will be the last newsletter in this format. In September, after a restful summer and lots of planning, the newsletter will take on a slightly new look and a new format.
No, we will not be returning to the printed and mailed newsletter. Instead, you will receive shorter, more focused newsletters directly to your inbox once a month. The same News You Can Use, just on a more frequent basis.
So with the launch of the new format in the fall, we invite you to share your experiences. Reply, forward, and even post your favorite article links on social media connecting you to the wider mathematics education community.
Newsletter production has changed, but what hasn’t changed is the CPM commitment to mathematics educators. More Math for More People means finding novel ways to get you the kind of thought-provoking and job-enriching ideas that bolster your work in the classroom and ripple out into the wider mathematics community.
CPM will still welcome articles written by teachers like you who are willing to share their experiences with other math teachers. Have something to share? Send it to newsletter@cpm.